Back to School Teaching Tips for World Language Teachers
Hey guys! Let me guess – if you haven’t started school yet, you’re getting a little nervous about the first day, the first week of school, and which students will be in your classes this year. Yep, that little pit of anxiety growing more and more as the first day approaches. Well, I have a few new strategies for you to help relieve some of your worries . . .
1. Get EXCITED for the first week of school instead of nervous.

Take a second to recognize when you are feeling those back-to-school jitters. Every time that you find yourself feeling or talking about being anxious, use the word “excited” instead. Say your new positive sentence out loud or even better, write it down. Writing your goals really helps preset your brain to help accomplish them.
Nerves vs. Excitement
Old Way of Thinking:
“I’m very nervous about who my students will be. Sometimes I get really challenging classes.”
New Way of Thinking:
“I’m so excited to meet my students on the first day and I bet they’re really excited to meet me. Can’t wait to support the uniqueness of each student and watch them grow as students and people throughout the year.”
(Even just writing this second sentence got my brain focused in a more positive direction. I started thinking . . .)
What Will My Students Be Like?
“Hmm . . . how can I focus on the strengths that each student brings? How can I accentuate their positive qualities? If I’m really excited and enthusiastic, they probably will be, too. How am I not only going to help them learn Spanish, but also teach them to be kind, to study efficiently, and to become contributors in our global economy?”
Old Way of Thinking:
“I’m so sad that summer is over. I’m really not looking forward to grading papers – so much work and I’m always so tired.”
New Way of Thinking:
“Wow! I had a great summer, but I’m also looking forward to a fresh start and a chance to shape young minds. I’m lucky to have such a meaningful job where I’m really making a difference (even if I can’t always see it). This year, I’m going to implement a few new strategies so that I get my work done at school and bring very little home. I know if I stay focused and plan well, I can do this. That way, I’ll be able to focus on my family, friends, and squeeze in some me-time when I come home.

How Do I Plan for the First Week of School?
Old Way of Thinking:
“I don’t know what to teach, how to get started, how to set the right tone with my students.”
New Way of Thinking:
“I have my first week of school planned out day by day and am ready to go. Now I can focus on building relationships with my students rather than what I’m going to teach.”
Don’t have your first week planned out yet and aren’t quite sure how to do that? Get ready-made first week of school Spanish lesson plans.

Wish I Had Better Colleagues
Old Way of Thinking:
“Some of my colleagues are great, but I wish I had a stronger group of colleagues who loved to share new ideas, collaborate on projects, and even just to joke around with from time to time. Sometimes I feel really lonely at school.”
New Way of Thinking:
“How cool is it that I can now connect with online World Language colleagues from all over the world. I learn so many innovative ideas, (Minuto loco, Música miércoles, Trifold Flashcards) get great new resources, and best of all, they make me laugh with their crazy memes that only World Language teachers understand.
If you want fresh lesson plan ideas throughout the year, check out my Free Resource Library – 25+ free lesson plans!
Well, I originally planned to include 8-10 Back to School teaching tips in this first week of school in Spanish class post but got so “excited” about the first one that it was all I could fit. Hop on over to the Teaching Tips section of my blog to check out a few more such as:

Wishing you a wonderful start to your school year! I’m so EXCITED!!! How about you?

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