
Day of the Dead Crafts, Activities

Looking for some Spanish Day of the Dead crafts and activities, but not sure where to start?  Or maybe you’re dreading making those messy sugar skulls and are looking for a simpler, cleaner craft (because the janitor is still giving you the evil eye from last year’s sticky mess)?

Then check out these 10 simple, but engaging Spanish Day of the Dead activities – so many great ideas – pick and choose your favorites or try a different one each year to keep things fresh.

1.  Skull Rocks  

Love these!  Perfect cheap Day of the Dead decorations that will last for years to come.  Or if you want these decorations, but don’t want to do the work, suggest that your art teacher have students make these to donate to Spanish class.

– oval rocks – Send your students out rock hunting the week beforehand.  If they have any landscaping rocks in their yard, those work well, too.
– acrylic paints and small tipped paint brushes

How:  Students paint the white oval first and let it dry.  The next day, students paint the details.

Day of the Dead Skull Rocks

2.  Sugar Skull Piñatas

Making these in class can be messy and time-consuming, but this makes a great extra credit assignment or Spanish Club project.  Or, you just make a few at home to use as decorations for class and keep them from year to year to hang up.

Supplies:  Newspaper, paper mache mix (flour and water), tarps/cut up plastic bags (to go prevent mess), paint, paintbrushes, balloons

How:  Blow up a balloon.  Mix flour and water to make a liquidy paste.  Tear newspaper into strips, coat with paste, and then cover the balloon with the strips.  Let dry completely.  Pop the balloon with a needle.  Cut out a small circle, paint, fill with candy and tape over the bottom hole and paint it.  Attach a string to hang it.

Learned this from:  https://blog.partydelights.co.uk/day-of-the-dead-party-pinata/

Day of the Dead Crafts – Piñata

3.  Skull Balloons

Super easy Day of the Dead craft for any level of Spanish student.

Supplies:  White balloons, black Sharpies

How:  Blow up the balloons and use the Sharpies to draw skull faces.

Day of the Dead Skull Balloons Craft

4.  Secret Message Worksheet

Pass out the free Day of this Dead vocab sheet and secret message sheet.  Go over the vocabulary and the significance of each word as a class.  Then have students unscramble the words to form the secret message.  Use markers to make it more fun and colorful.

Day of the Dead Spanish Worksheets
Spanish Worksheet

Supplies:  Markers, worksheets

Grab this worksheet for free in my Free Resource Library along with 25 other free resources!


5.  Skull Lanterns

Doesn’t get much easier than this.

Supplies:  Clear plastic cups, black Sharpies, LED tea lights (orange works best for a warm glow).  If you’re looking to save money, skip the candles.

How:  Draw the skull design on the cup while it’s flipped upside down.  Put the LED candle underneath.

Game idea:  Students place an object under the cup and give clues as to what it might be, while a partner guesses.

Day of the Dead Craft Skull Lanterns

6.  Shoebox Altar

Students find/make items to memorialize a loved one, pet, or someone famous, and place all the items in a shoebox.  Use this as a speaking activity in class. Students pair up and then talk about each of the items in the box and why they are important.

Supplies:  Students work on these at home.

How:  Give students at least a week to prepare their shoeboxes.

Learned this from:  http://www.discoveringtheworldthroughmysonseyes.com/diy-day-of-the-dead-shoebox-altar/

Day of the Dead Shoebox Altar

7.  Cempasúchil Flowers (Tissue Paper Flowers)

Making these Day of the Dead tissue paper flowers is simple and cheap, plus students get listening practice watching the video instructions in Spanish.  

Supplies:  Orange, yellow, red tissue paper, green pipe cleaners, staplers, scissors

How:  Just watch the video.  🙂

 8.  Skull Book

This Day of the Dead skull book teaches your students about the traditions and festivities surrounding Day of the Dead.  In English and Spanish.  Great for all levels.

Supplies:  Skull book, scissors, markers 

How:  Students cut out the skulls, fill in the blanks, and color with markers.

Students practice writing skills with this Day of the Dead Skull Mini Book in English or Spanish
Day of the Dead Skull Mini Book

9.  Day of the Dead Jack o’ Lanterns

Love these original jack o’ lanterns!  Every Spanish teacher needs one of these for his/her classroom or doorstep.  Make it simpler by skipping the carving part and just have your students paint them or let this be an extra credit project.  

Supplies:  Pumpkins, paint, paintbrushes.

Learned this from:  http://www.familyholiday.net/day-of-the-dead-mexican-crafts-and-activities/day-of-the-dead-mexican-crafts-and-activities-35/ Photo from website as well.

Day of the Dead Pumpkins

10.  Marshmallow Skulls

Super easy and quick Day of the Dead craft! 

Supplies:  Large marshmallows, markers, optional cake pop sticks/chopsticks, etc.

How:  Students draw on the marshmallows with markers.

Day of the Dead Craft Marshmallow Skulls

Hope you enjoyed these Spanish Day of the Dead crafts and activities!  

If you’re looking for more Day of the Dead festivities, head over to my Facebook page.  Each year, I host a Facebook Day of the Dead Countdown and Giveaway.  

Get ready-made Day of the Dead Lesson Plans for your Spanish classes.  

Wishing you and your students a colorful, festive Day of the Dead!

Sherry Sebesta - Spanish Tutor, French Tutor
Sherry Sebesta
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