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Vocab and Grammar

  • 3 New Types of Spanish Flashcards

    Are your students still making their own Spanish flashcards? I sure hope not! Here are the problems with student-made Spanish flashcards. Check out 3 new types of flashcards that are so…

  • Stop Conjugating Verbs and Communicate

    Change Your Thinking about Conjugating Verbs and Focus on Communication How many of your students love conjugating verbs?  Personally, I don’t know of any! And do you know what conjugating verbs…

  • Gustar Spanish Activities: Verbs Like Gustar

    Do your students struggle to master the usage of gustar and verbs like gustar?  Check out these Gustar Spanish Activities for Verbs Like Gustar and your students will be using gustar,…

  • Spanish Time Activities, Lessons

    Tick, tock!  It’s time to teach your students about Spanish time.  This post is chock full of great ideas for Spanish time activities, lesson plans, and resources so that your students…

  • Spanish Commands Activities and Lesson Plans

    There are a lot of intricacies and nuances to teaching Spanish commands activities.  You start thinking, “No problem – commands – piece of cake”, but then you realize that students get…

  • Spanish Subjunctive Lesson Plans

    Spanish Subjunctive Lesson Plans and Activities

    If the subjunctive is your favorite topic to teach in Spanish class, raise your hand? Hmm, no hands up . . . That’s because NO TEACHER EVER would raise their hand…

  • Teach students to choose between preterite and imperfect tenses.

    Preterite vs. Imperfect: How to Choose

    Simple 5 Question System for Choosing Preterite vs. Imperfect As Spanish teachers, we all know that one of the trickiest topics to teach is how to choose between the preterite and…

  • French Lesson Plans, Games, Activities to use all year long

    French Lesson Plans for the Whole Year!

    Are you a newer teacher who could use some guidance and French lesson plans from a veteran teacher?  Perhaps you teach multiple levels of French classes at once (3-5 preps).  Do…

  • Spanish Lesson Plans, Spanish Games, Spanish Activities, Spanish Resources, Spanish Year Long Curriculum

    Spanish Lesson Plans for the Whole Year!

    Are you a newer teacher who could use some guidance and Spanish lesson plans from a veteran teacher? Are you teaching multiple levels of Spanish classes at once (3-5 preps)? Do…