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French Lesson Plans

  • A Love Letter to Spanish Teachers

    As teachers, you are often asked to do the impossible, I’m using this post to write a love letter to Spanish teachers.  Throughout a typical school year, you are asked to:…

  • Easy French Sub Plans

    The Easiest French Sub Plans Ever!

    I don’t know about you, but creating French sub plans used to stress me out so much. And it was very challenging to get a competent sub who would use them…

  • French Videos

    5 Best French Videos for Class

    Want to know one of the best ways to get your students to pay attention in French class?  Show them French cultural videos!  Students are so used to their American lifestyles…

  • French First Week Activities

    French First Week Activities

    French First Week Activities: In my previous 4 posts, I’ve talked about why it’s so important to create an immersion atmosphere, how to set the tone for the year, and how…

  • Francophone Country Flags

    Francophone Countries, Capitals

    Ever wonder which countries use French as their official language? Did you know there are over 25 Francophone countries? North America – 1, The Caribbean – 1, Europe – 5, and…

  • 20 Worst Sub Experiences Ever!

    The 20 Worst Sub Experiences Ever!!

    As I was writing my last post, “Why Subs Fail (and How to Help Them Succeed)“, I heard lots of sub plans horror stories from all of you and just had to…

  • French Time Activities

    French Time Activities, Lessons

    Tick, tock!  It’s time to teach your students about French time.  This post is chock full of great ideas for French time activities, lesson plans, and resources so that your students…

  • Les Prépositions de lieu

    French Prepositions of Location Activities

    Teaching a unit on French Prepositions of Location and Giving French Directions or looking to learn them yourself? This post includes tons of French prepositions activities for teaching your French students…

  • French Distance Learning

    Online French Activities for Students at Home

    So the coronavirus has hit your town, your school closed, but you are still expected to teach your students who can’t come to school. These online French activities will provide engaging…