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Teaching Tips

  • 25 Strategies for Chatty Students

    What to Do with Talkative Students in French Class

    Even experienced teachers sometimes struggle with talkative students in French class . . . So I put together this list of 25 strategies for chatty students. If you’d like to see the Spanish version…

  • Laura Lee - K-8 Spanish Teacher

    Laura Lee, Spanish Teacher, Teacher Feature #5

    Today, we’ll meet veteran Teacher – Laura Lee (For the Love of Spanish) who taught Spanish K-8 in private and public schools for 18 years and is currently taking a year…

  • 50 Reward Ideas for Middle School or High School Students

    The Ultimate List of High School Rewards!

    Looking for high school rewards or middle school rewards to motivate students? Tired of finding reward ideas that are more applicable to elementary kids than your 8th, 9th, or 10th graders?…

  • Open House, Back to School Ideas for Teachers

    7 Ways to Win Over Parents on Open House Night

    My baby girl is now a middle schooler – how did that happen so fast???  My husband and I attended our first Open House at the Middle School – very different…

  • Sherry Sebesta - Teacher Feature

    Sherry Sebesta: Teacher Feature #4

    This next Teacher Feature is about me, Sherry Sebesta.  Thought you might like to get to know me a bit better.  Here goes . . . Veteran Teacher:  Sherry Sebesta Experience: …

  • What to Teach on the First Day of Spanish Class, French Class, How to Teach Immersion

    Spanish First Week Activities

    Spanish First Week Activities: How to Teach Using Immersion In my previous 4 posts, I’ve talked about why it’s so important to create an immersion atmosphere, how to set the tone…

  • French First Day Activities

    French First Day Activities

    French First Day Activities How to Teach Using Immersion In my last post, I talked about why it’s so important to create an immersion atmosphere in your class during the first…