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Lesson Plans

  • Spanish Subjunctive Lesson Plans

    Spanish Subjunctive Lesson Plans and Activities

    If the subjunctive is your favorite topic to teach in Spanish class, raise your hand? Hmm, no hands up . . . That’s because NO TEACHER EVER would raise their hand…

  • Why Spanish Sub Plans Fail

    Why Spanish Sub Plans and French Sub Plans Fail

    Do you leave what you think are very clear Spanish sub plans or French sub plans only to return to chaos the next day? Have any of the following happened to…

  • Free French, Spanish Lesson Plans, Activities, Games

    Want free World Language lesson plans?

    Over 17,567 teachers have already accessed 25+ free World Language lesson plans. What are you waiting for? Free World Language lesson plans are waiting for you . . . After You…

  • 15 ways to add Francophone culture to your French Classes

    Adding Francophone Culture to French Class

    We all know that Francophone culture is an important part of learning French, but we often don’t spend as much time as we should teaching our students about the cultures of…

  • What to Teach on the First Day of Spanish Class, French Class, How to Teach Immersion

    Spanish First Week Activities

    Spanish First Week Activities: How to Teach Using Immersion In my previous 4 posts, I’ve talked about why it’s so important to create an immersion atmosphere, how to set the tone…

  • French First Day Activities

    French First Day Activities

    French First Day Activities How to Teach Using Immersion In my last post, I talked about why it’s so important to create an immersion atmosphere in your class during the first…